Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Ravens Crest East at Princeton Meadows Condominium Association offers many amenities to it's residents.  Amentities include a Swimming Pool and Kiddie Pool, Tennis Courts, Tot Lot, Volley Ball Court and a Walking Trail (Cedar Brook).
Swimming Pool
The Ravens Crest East Condominium Association Pool is located behind building 1600 and is a popular spot for residents to be during the summer.  The pool is large and adequate for both children and people who wish to swim laps.

There is also a kiddie pool.
The pool area features plenty of lounge chairs, tables, a sun deck, bathrooms, and a large charcoal grill.
The pool is open late into the evening (9 p.m.) with pool lights.
An Adult swim is also available 7 days a week in the evenings as well as mornings and evenings on the weekend.
The pool is also open generally 2 weekends after Labor Day.

Tennis Courts
There are 8 tennis courts for residents to enjoy.  First come, first serve.

Tennis courts are shared with residents of The Crest Apartments.
Tot Lot
The Ravens Crest East Condominium Association's tot lot is located to the side of building 300.  The tot lot is designed for young children.

The tot lot features:
  • Swings
  • Climbing equipment
  • Sand Box
Please note that the current tot lot was installed in June of 2013 with a new drainage system.  The equipment was significantly upgraded and includes more equipment.

Community Garden
In 2015, the Community Garden was created near building 400 and the tot lot.  The community garden is open to all residents of Ravens Crest East at Princeton Meadow Condominium Association.

The plot sizes are approximately 96" x 54" (8 ft x 4.5 ft).

There are 2 water spigots and hoses to reach any plot.  

There is a composting section in the corner for all plant matter.  Do not put in the trash can.

More details including the sign-up form can be found with this link.

For more information or to sign-up for a plot, email Garden@RavensCrestEast.com.

Volley Ball Court
The volley ball court is located next to building 1600 and is generally available between Spring and Fall.

Generally one day a week there is an informal volley ball league that plays on the court and is open to all residents of Ravens Crest East.  Please check your breezeway or the website for more information when in season.
Walking Trail (Cedar Brook)
Ravens Crest East Condominium Association is adjacent to the Cedar Brook which runs along the east side of the community.  Also to the east is protected farmland and to the north a golf course.

The concrete walking trail runs along the Cedar Brook.  The trail also winds through the Ravens Crest East community as well as interconnects with our neighboring communities: The Crest Apartments, Aspen and The Gentry.  The walking trail also runs along the golf course (The Meadows at Middlesex Golf Course).
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