Often before a bank will issue a mortgage or a refinance, they will ask that a "Condo Questionnaire" or "Lender Certification" or "Condo Certification" be completed by the Association. These "Condo Questionnaires" are used by the banks to determine whether or not the Condominium Association meets their underwriting requirements for a loan; i.e. Does the Association have too much debt, too many rentals, not completely transitioned from the developer, etc.
These questionnaires can be quite extensive sometimes and are always different from bank to bank. As such, Executive Property Management has arranged for a company called "HomeWise Docs" to complete these. You need to "Sign Up" which is free, however, there is a fee to complete condo questionnaires and the supply of documents. Documents on their website can be downloaded immediately after payment (except the questionnaire depending on what type). They do have numerous banks condo questionnaires already setup, so you will want to select your bank from the list. If it's not on the list, they will manually fill it out.
If you or your bank needs a Condo Questionnaire completed for an upcoming mortgage or refinance, you can complete it online or contact HomeWise Docs at:
Customer Support
Toll Free: (866) 925-5004
They also have a chat feature on their website.
Please note some of the documents are available for free on the Ravens Crest East website. Budgets, Annual Audited Financial Statements, etc.
Note: As of Sept. 1, 2021, Ravens Crest East Condo Association switched vendors from "CondoCerts" to "HomeWise Docs".